Seriously, I'm fucking done.
I have had it up to here (imagine a standing, 6'2" male stretching his left arm as high as it can reach) with all the politics.
Really. I'm gorram done.
I don't see people discussing politics in anything resembling a rational fashion. I see people dividing into camps and bashing everyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them.
Even if those people are friends. Even if those people are family.
And it's fucking sad.
We currently have two major sides. The left and the right. Nowadays, it seems that to get anywhere in their respective parties, you have to be that party to the extreme. Which means that with the House, Senate, PotUS and VPotUS and the Supreme Court you have 549 people running the government. Now since they're roughly split down the middle as to who is left or right, you have 0.0000881% of the Population of the US on the Right and the same on the left. Which means that 99.9998238% of this country's population are being governed by 0.00017619% of the population. Ant that 0.00017619% are a bunch of people who have long since lost the concept that the rest of us in the United States live somewhere comfortably in the middle.
Take me for example. I could go on for hours describing how I'm a "very conservative liberal" or a very liberal conservative" (as many have said about me).
So I really do not fit any label. Stop trying to shoehorn me into yours.
Don't get me wrong. You people out there have your beliefs. I may not agree with some, others I might. And others violently annoy the shit out of me. But that's my opinion and my beliefs. But you know what? I'm not going to let it color our relationship. You believe one way and I another? That's fine. We're not supposed to be carbon-copy clones of each other.
You want to believe differently than I do? Fine. Feel free to do it. I do not care. I will still be your friend, I'll still be your family. I will still like you for the qualities that managed to get our paths to merge for a while.
And that's what I'm ranting about here. This election has gone FAR nastier than others have in the past. There are people who would rather inflict a thousand paper cuts on their naughty bits and go skinny dipping in a vat of lemon juice than vote for Romney. There are others who feel the same way about Obama.
And you Ass Clowns in the Government should take note. I don't know what the fuck you are doing to really honk off the American public and whip them into the frenzy they're currently in...but fucking stop it before you seriously damabe this country. For fuck's sake people, there is at least one group in Texas who is threatening Civil War if he gets re-elected. People are saying on national news media outlets that they are willing to commit violence of Obama gets a second term. Can't you see that if you keep this shit up and keep escalating it every election that the talk might turn into real violence?
Do you fuckers *really* want that blood on your hands?
But that's not the worst of it. We have gone past the "My opponent does vile things" political ads. We are at each other's throats in Facebook and other Social Media sites. There are friendships breaking up, family members disowning each other for having the audacity to have a differing viewpoint, engagements falling apart...
If you want to keep on carrying on cranky about how your BFF (former) is voting against the person you think is going to masturbate on the White House lawn and ejaculate jobs, fart economic recovery, and in general blow sunshine, rainbows, puppies and kittens up our asses...and want to disown them forever? That's fine, you keep on doing that. You want to do that to me? You wouldn't be the first and are likely not going to be the last.
I am beyond caring at this point. What I am doing is exercising my right to free and *secret* ballot. I know, this is sort of locking the barn door after the horse was stolen, but from here on out and forever more I'm keeping my political views to myself on Facebook and the Social Media outlets. I'm tired of butting heads over a bunch of cranky, moody, half-dead retards in the upper echelons of the Government. They are not worth losing my friends over.
So to that end I'm declaring my Facebook and my Google+ page a politics free zone. Matters pertaining to the elections are verboten. I will not post anything regarding the elections or the candidates unless someone does something illegal in which case I reserve the right to point my finger and say "Dumbass! Shouldn't have abused your power that way." and laugh at the thought of them ending up as some fat, greasy, tattooed bastard's buttery cornhole when they get to prison. I also will continue my tradition of deleting any posting to my wall that others make about the election and the candidates. I will also violently ignore any posting made by my friends regarding the election and the candidates.
I'm getting tired of getting pissed off at my friends and of pissing them off in return about our respective views. I'm no longer playing the game.
If the rest of the country wants to keep on with tearing their lives apart over these jackasses...fine. I'm done dancing for their amusement. The marionette is reaching up with the scissors and is cutting the strings and walking off stage.
And yes, that is is an extended mid-digit pointed in the general direction of DC.