...but recently I feel the need to go back to a place that it mine and mine alone. A place where I don’t have to worry about the rules that society feels the need to apply because someone is outraged at something that some members of my race/faith/gender/sexuality/political beliefs has done.
I’m tired of being called a rapist just because I have the same sort of genitalia that rapists have. I’m tired of being called mysogynstic (sp?) because I’m male and that some males look at women as only sexual objects. I’m tired of being told that I’m “Mansplaining” just because I feel that it’s as unfair for women to post “All Men...” memes as they feel that it would be if I were to post “All Women...” ones. I’m tired of thinking “Why do women have anything to do with men if we’re all cancerous polyps on the anus of humanity.
I’m sick and fucking tired of it.
So I’ve deactivated Facebook. I would delete the account if it wasn’t for the fact that I still need Messenger to talk with my friends. But until it stops being the septic tank that it’s become, I’m avoiding (Anti) Social Media for a while and am going to stick to my blog again.
This is my space and here I can say what I want.
And yes Rob, I’m still keeping my rule and not blocking you should you decide to troll my page with your snarky comments. Everyone else has already called me scum...you couldn’t Say anything worse or make me feel any lower than I do now. So have fun!