Sunday, November 14, 2010

Westboro Baptist Church comes here.

This, this is only 30-40 minutes up the road from us. They are going to LaPlata to protest yet another soldier's funeral, blaming all the evils in America on the fact that there is homosexuality. Something that has existed long before there has even been a nation calling itself "America".

Now I'd love to sit here and pick apart this group. I'd love to think of all the bad names that are circulating around in my mind right now. But unlike the scammers and the spammers that hit my e-mail inbox, I will not.

Mostly because that even the full force of my hatred and loathing would fall on deaf ears. And in fact, they would enjoy and welcome it. They use such hatred as fuel for their cause. Anyone who does not agree with them, is part of the rest of the "Godless heathens" that are causing the problem. They use such as reasons to sue people for daring to utilize the same rights of protest as they do.

If it wasn't for the fact that they likely consider masturbation a sin as well, I would think that they get off on it.

So I will just express my Constitutionally protected right to have an opinion and to express it publicly (you know, the same right you Westboro Baptists use) and say "You people are not Christians. You do not follow the teachings of Christ and in fact twist his words and his teachings to fit your own agenda. You have overstepped the bounds of decency, human kindness (you know that whole "Love thy neighbor" that was a commandment from God himself), and dignity. It is my sincerest and most heartfelt hope that one day you will learn how to be decent human beings. But until that day do not expect any kindness from me. One day you will lose a friend or a loved one. I will not protest your funeral. But neither will I offer any kindness towards you.

My wife is going to be going to stand in counter-protest and to be part of the human shield between the family and friends of the fallen soldier and this collection of hate mongers. If I had enough notice I'd be there as well. I'd have taken a leave day at work and been there with my wife and my friends.

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