Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yahoo! Answers needs to be shut down.

I'm through playing the game.

What's my beef with Y!A? Simple. They have no structure in place to properly report violations to their Terms of Service and Community Guidelines that in any way shape or form could even begin to be considered "Fair".

Recently I received three violation notices. One of them was someone reporting me for telling them to stop asking the same question over and over ad-infinitum every 30 seconds.At first it was a question about someone who was a little freaked out over Spontaneousness Human Combustion. They wanted people to give examples of how it couldn't happen.

I did...the FIRST time.

Three days. Three days of it popping up every few hours, sometimes every few minutes. I reported it as Spam which is clearly marked on the report page as a violation of Community Guidelines. Nothing. None of her posts were removed and they didn't stop coming in every few hours.

And it's word for freaking word. It's a cut and paste job.

So I post in frustration that they need to stop and that people have answered the question already. That *I* had answered the question.

I got the notice that they pulled my question and deducted 10 points from my account.

The second violation was more of the same. It was someone asking who is getting their tax refund on such and such date. Every 10 minutes. I did the same thing. I reported it and nothing happened. I reported them ALL...nothing happened. I answered to tell them to stop and let people answer the question instead of violating the Community Guidelines and spamming people.

Guess who lost another 10 points and got the finger waggled at? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't the other guy.

This last time REALLY pissed me off. Yet another person freaking out about 2012 and the supposed end of the world.

There are times I almost wish it would end just so I could spend my last moments flipping off the dregs of humanity and telling them what I really think of the pathetic little cock-stains.

I have a cut and paste answer explaining the Mayan Long Count calendar. I've used it several times. This time I got the message from the Y!A thought police saying that I was spamming and thus in violation of the Community Guidelines.

I thought to myself that they have GOT to be kidding. So I contest that one...and lost. It seems that using a cut and paste answer is in violation of some passage hidden in the rules and regulations by some esoteric DaVinci Code like method that only the Illuminati know. Yet the cut and paste questions are not.

And even the ones that I didn't answer and just flat out reported. None of them were EVER pulled.
  • What is the best blunt instrument to bash in a cat's skull?
  • I just chased down my dog with my car and ran it over. It's still alive. What do I do now?
  • What is the best lubricant for anally mastering a 12-year boy?
    • That one was on long enough to have had a "Best Answer" selected by the asker when someone stated that Astroglide or other water based lubes were too thin and would cause chaffing.
  • Best ways to hack someone's World of Warcraft (or Xbox Live, PS3 or other gaming) account.
  • How to hire a hooker and not get nailed by the police.
  • What's the best lighting to use to grow pot indoors.
Basically, if it was ever mentioned in the Community Guidelines as being a no-no...I've rarely seen them pulled and certainly none of the ones I've reported.

Or how about the flipside to this. All the questions I wasted my time and effort to give a good and honest answer, only to have the question pulled because someone ELSE reported it.
  • How to properly cycle an aquarium
  • My car is making a thump-thump-thump noise that's shaking the car.
    • Having been through that recently I gave a good answer starting with the simple fix of "Check your tires for a busted belt"
  • What is the best gaming PC?
  • Why is my cat doing [insert crazy yet normal cat behavior here]?
And many many more. 

There is no rhyme nor reason to what gets pulled and what doesn't. This is why I think it's time for Yahoo! Answers to go the way that Google Answers did. It's time to end the failed experiment called Y!A.

So I say to you that if you are using it, perhaps it's time to stop. Spread the word around. Pass this to your friends and have them pass it to their friends. Let's try to get people to stop using it. Grass roots style. 

Let's see how Yahoo! likes having a service that has been reduced to a haven for the "My 6-year old daughter walked in on me while I was anally raping her kitten to death. How much do you think the therapy bills will be?" questions.


  1. Wow ... pretty sad. Really glad I've never bothered with any of that.

  2. You need to grow a set of fucking balls and stop being a little pussy ice breathing little bitch. Ohh yahoo answers dont like me ohhh fml fml they need to get shut down, no your just a pussy cunt that hates the fucking world and everything bigger than yourself that needs to get fucking killed because your breathing air kids in africa that work there ass off daily in 110 degree weather need. Dont go on the fucking site if it puts a damper on your pamper you football monkey fucking pile of immense shit.

    1. TurboDSM,

      Where to begin?

      First of all, this is my space. This is where I can rant and vent and carry on cranky if I so want to. This is why I created this blog and if you don't like the way that I run it, perhaps instead of hiding behind the anonymity that the internet affords and try to be creative with your use of profanity, you could instead choose to find somewhere else to go and read. After all, as you say there are children in third world nations who are struggling with greater difficulties than what we face. You rant at me for my tirade, yet you waste the same energy ranting and carrying on about me.

      And by the way, you need to work on your profanity there. It's rather disjointed and lacks a sense of coherency. It's lacking a certain poetic grace. I'm not looking for Shakespearean prose here, just something that flows a little better.

      Secondly, Really? You're yelling at me for something I posted two years ago? Really? And for something as meaningless as a honked off Y!A user venting his frustrations to the world at large (of the vastly insignificant percentage of the population that is actually following me? I think I'm up to what...8 people maybe? Eight people out of a population over 7 Billion?

      It's not like I'm corrupting the morals of the World by ranting in front of my small collection of followers.

      Lastly, it's not like I'm the only person who rants at things larger than they are. Many people complain about the government. If you're a Y!A user (or at least go there and spend an hour reading it) you'd know that there are hundreds of questions complaining about Obama this, Republicans that, and Democrats the other. People complain about the Cable Industry, people complain about internet, Hollywood, Paula Deen...hell the list is nigh endless. To quote Jay and Silent Strike Back:

      "The Internet is a communication tool used the world over where people can come together to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

      That's the sad fact about the internet. It's a place where people can hide behind anonymity and complain about anything that bugs us. I do it, my mother does it, my friends do it...and you do it.

      You see, I carry on cranky about Yahoo Answers. You are doing the same thing by carrying on cranky about me. This is truly a "Pot calling the Kettle black" sort of situation.

      If you're truly offended, please feel free to ignore me from now until we're both dead and in our graves. Until then I leave you with these parting words.

      "Tá m'árthach foluaineach lán d'eascanna."

      You seem to be some sort of Internet guru. I'll leave it to you to sort out the meaning.

