Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tá m'árthach foluaineach lán d'eascanna

Tá m'árthach foluaineach lán d'eascanna

This is going to be my motto in the SCA now that I'm back. Yes it's in Irish Gaelic and yes it's hard to pronounce. And here's a kicker for you...It's a bit anachronistic.

So you know it's going to piss off a few SCAdians. You know, the ones that are period authenticity enthusiasts. We used to call them "Period Nazi's" until they started kvetching about it and saying that it was offensive.

By the way, no shit Sherlock. There was a reason you were offended. We wanted to offend you since you were so fucking obnoxious to us to start with. Offended? Good. Mission accomplished.

Anyway, why would I choose a motto that is anachronistic and well outside of period? Why should I make a banner to hang in my camp that has this motto that will undoubtedly attract the ire and loathing of those formerly known as "Period Nazi's"?

Because the motto exists to remind me that above all, that the SCA must remain fun. It reminds me that there are many different levels of participation in the SCA. That there are the weekend warriors who come out for the fun of clubbing their enemies like baby harp seals and sharing a drink with them while telling many great lies of battle. That there are the ones who play because they want to learn about an art or a science that existed in the middle ages. That there are people who want to live the life as authentically as possible (and not be the Period Nazi douchwaffles that I complain about on a regular basis). 

It is there to remind me that Society Politics are something to be avoided. That if I run afoul of people who really trip my "Bad Vibes" alarm, I should avoid them before I get embroiled in their world of snide remarks, rumor spreading, hateful comments and back-stabbing.

Yes this will be my motto. It will be on my banners at my encampments. It will be proudly displayed in all of my correspondence. Anyone who wishes to hang out with me at events and sit under my banner will have the motto explained to them and will be asked to follow what it stands for.

What does it say you are now no doubt wondering? What is the message that these Gaelic words spread to the world at large?

It says, "My hovercraft is full of eels."

Need more of an explanation? Watch this.