Friday, December 10, 2010

The Christmas Spirit...

Yeah, pretty well lost it.

I tried to get myself into the Christmas Spirit. Went to Busch Gardens with friends to see the Christmas celebration there, watched my favorite Christmas movies such as Patrick Stewart's "A Christmas Carol", "The Polar Express" and (sorry Mom but I liked it) Ron Howard's version of "The Grinch who Stole Christmas".

Almost had it too.

But then I had to go and do something pretty fucking stupid. I listened to the news.

Let's see, there is our Federal Government (more like Federal Cluster Fuck). The Republicans were saying that they're going to hold millions of unemployed hostage unless the Democrats agree to their precious (My...Precioussssss) tax cuts. Obama says fine, we'll compromise. The Republicans say OK, that's fair but the Democrats now call Obama a traitor and a wimp and a spineless jellyfish that caved into the Republican's demands and so will not call the vote,

So now we have Repubs who aren't going to help the unemployed since they'll never get their tax cuts and the Dems who aren't going to help the unemployed since they pretty much will never listen to Obama ever again.

Merry fucking Christmas to the unemployed who can't find a job because three hundred people are fighting over the only three jobs opened at the K-Mart. This is no exaggeration. My wife was one of the three hundred people trying to get work and she was told by the people at K-Mart what the deal was.

Then we have the butt fuckers (and this is the literal usage of Butt Fucker") who raped and burned and killed a family (including the anal violation of an 11-year old...hence butt fucker). One of them has decided that he really doesn't want to push the issue any further and is not appealing the death penalty. So what do people do? They assume that this guy is insane (No! Really? You think?) since obviously he doesn't want to fight for his life and so they're filing the appeal for him.

Yes, we have some people who want to delay and/or stop the sending of this defective product back to the manufacturer. Dude. There is OVERWHELMING evidence that they did it, they do not deny that they did it (one saying that he doesn't know why he did it) and we're going to keep them alive at tax payer expense?

Merry fucking Christmas for the families and friends of the people these convicted criminals sodomized and BBQ'ed.

Then there is the kicker. This is the one that is making my blood boil. My step-daughter is in High School getting ready to go to college to get a degree in education and the assistance of special needs children. This is a girl with a gift. There are children that she has helped that will talk to her. In some cases, she is the only person they will talk to including their own parents. She has a gift. She told of a problem at the school. There are students that think that the greatest, bestest game in the whole of the universe is to hunt down the special needs children and punch the lunch trays so they fly into their faces.

What fun.

One kid was carrying hot food and took it into his face. He is deaf, barely able to speak more than a few words, and can not sign due to a deformity to his hands. Now you may think that the Children are the evil bastards here, but wait there's more! The staff at the school (fuck it) at Calvert High School in Prince Frederick Maryland (if they don't like it they can kiss my ass) will not do anything since the children attacked can not identify those doing it.

THEY ARE SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN YOU COCK-SUCKERS! Many of them (like the aforementioned kid with the bad hands and is a deaf-mute) can not function well enough to be able to identify the ones doing it. Don't you think that (oh I don't know...) YOU as the school staff ought to do something about it like putting someone there to monitor the situation? Oh, but then again this is the same school that my wife has witnessed a drug deal going on in the hallways and no one seems to be doing a goddamned thing about that either.

Merry fucking Christmas to all the hot, scalding soup wearing special needs children who don't even fully understand the concept of bullying. At least when they did that shit to me as a child I understood why it was being done (I was different and they were douchebags) but many of them don't understand and that makes it that much more frightening.

So I'm starting off my Christmas season with a serious case of the humbugs. And right about now if the Ghosts of Christmas shows up? "One swift knee to the happy sacks and he'll drop like anyone else"

Thank you David Lister.


  1. *hugs* I pretty much don't watch the news anymore. Way too depressing and I've got enough issues of my own. Our state is all but bankrupt (and the idiot voters have voted in as governor a guy who will finish the job), the morons in congress want to kill us all by increasing the FDA dictatorship over food, and we've got a new crop of MBAs intent on ruining every company out here. It's pretty sad.

    So I will watch my holiday movies (I love Patrick Stewart's version of "A Christmas Carol" btw) and play seasonal music, and try to bury my head in the sand far enough to get through this holiday season with my sanity and blood pressure intact. Want to join me? :)

  2. I've always liked the DL line from "Future Echoes"..."Lister: I'm going out like I came in -- screaming and kicking.

    Rimmer: You can't whack death on the head!

    Lister: If he comes near me I'm gonna rip his nipples off!!!"

  3. The unemployed: Once again, TANSTAAFL.
    Bullying and drug deals in government schools: Abolish the government schools; re-legalize drugs.
