Friday, April 30, 2010

Facebook "Causes" application

The "causes" application on Facebook really irks me.

Honestly. Does anyone REALLY think that by clicking a button is going to help the cause in any way, shape, or form? Does anyone really think that by clicking on a link to an ad-revenue-supported website is going to actually do anything?

If you want to support a cause you have to actually do something. I supported Public Broadcasting back when it actually meant something to me. I pledged and actually sent in money to help support them and the shows I liked. I've since stopped because they are going to advertising revenue and by my definition are no longer in need of my money since they're getting my money after I give it to the advertisers when I buy their product or service.

I vote in local elections for causes that I believe in. I donate my time to fund raisers (Lions Club most notably). Hell one time I got people to give me money if I was daft enough to jump into icy cold water and freeze my nards off (polar bear plunge fundraiser). There is a woman where I work that sells coffee as a fundraiser for her Basset Hound rescue organization. I don't like coffee and will never buy it...but I always slip a few bucks her way whenever she's doing it.

In short, I do more than "click a link to feel better about myself".

I think that this is a problem with the internet. It gives ways for people to participate in mental masturbation techniques by offering a way for them to think that they have "done some good" without having to do more than move a mouse and press down on a button. It gives them a false sense of accomplishment by letting them think that by clicking on a link they are changing the world.

Do they realize that all they are doing is making people look at more ad-revenue supported web pages which are created in order to try and snag an impulse buy?

"Click on this link to see how you can save the Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri-Lanka!"

So you click and maybe you see in the corner of the screen a really good deal on a walrus polisher and think "Ooh! I don't have a Walrus now, but I might and I'd better snag that sucker while the once in a lifetime deal is still good."

And by once in a lifetime I mean the third "once in a lifetime" offer this month.

So if you want to do some good, get out there and DO some good. Don't just sit there on your arses. Donate money to a charity or cause that you support (to them directly and not through a company trying to make some money...GAWD knows how much of your money actually gets to the cause...if any), donate time, vote, but do something.

Don't get sucked into the mental masturbation. You'd be better off actually putting fingers to naughty bits and fiddling with them. You're not going to do any more or less good to the cause they're trying to sucker you into...but at least you get to cum.

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