Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where's a den of half starved lions when you need them?

Ok, since I screwed up my first attempt at a bunny cake I had to run into Food Lion to get some more.

As I'm looking at the Baker's Joy and wondering if we had any at the house, I hear the lovely strains of "MuthaFucka betta move!"

Looking up and down the aisle I see a large black woman (hence the phonetic spellings above) in her Sunday best and sure enough the only other person in the aisle is me. Yup, my physical presence offends her mightily.

Mustering up a full measure of disdain and loathing for humanity, I state to her. "You know, Jesus died to absolve you of your sins. He didn't die so you could be an obnoxious twat." and I turned and headed to the checkout.

Since it was very busy, I was there in line for a while. Long enough it seems for me to be found by the pastor of her church. He expressed concern about "my" unchristian attitude.

"Excuse me sir, I'm the pastor of that woman's church (pointing to the woman). What you said was not very nice."

To which I replied. "And . . . her saying "muthafucka betta move" to me was a nice thing to say. Thank you for pointing out that little tidbit. I was confused on the subject."

I then turned and paid for my stuff and left him standing there looking for all the world like he couldn't think of something to say to me.

What is it about the major Christian Holidays that brings out the asshole in people? Really! I would like an arena filled with some half-starved lions. I know a few Christians who are just gagging to be eaten alive.

1 comment:

  1. What is wrong with people? They don't seem to be able to tell THEY are the problem.
