Friday, April 30, 2010


If I have to see another news article or Yahoo Answers question bitching about Barack Obama I am going to have to hunt some of these fuckers down and sodomize them with a rather large agave cactus.

  1. The man was born of an American Citizen (his mother)
  2. The man was born in Hawaii two years after it became a state so he was born on American Soil.
    1. Born August 4, 1961 
    2. Hawaii statehood August 1959
  3. He was voted in by the electoral college which followed the popular vote. This means that regardless of the fact that you don't like the man, enough people did like him and so here he is.
So there you have it. The current President of the United States of America is a black man. Grow the fuck up and deal with it. If you don't like him...tough. He is in the top seat and any law that Congress passes and is sighed by the President is a law that you have to obey...period, end of discussion.

All you idjits in Leavenworth for refusing to deploy since you don't think that orders of the Commander in Chief is what the fuck you deserved.

If you don't like him, then do what every American has the right to do. Petition congress to have him removed from office BUT only IF you have REAL proof that he is unfit to be President. Offering some asshole's blog as proof (mine included) is only going to get you laughed at.

Failing that, if you are going to be 18 or over at the time of the 2012 election feel free to vote for the other person running if you think they are going to do better. I honestly don't think that ANY president is going to be able to get a fucking thing done since the two political parties are so polarized that the concept of compromise is totally fucking alien to them. It's their way or nothing. A joke that I frequently use (that I no longer find amusing) is "If the opposite of "pro" is "con", then what is the opposite of progress?"

If a certain former girlfriend of my stepson is reading this (and I'll be fucking shocked if she can read), the answer is congress.

Or failing that, pick a border any border. Leave and don't let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you.

He is the president, like it or lump it. Grow the fuck up.


  1. ..."any law that Congress passes and is "sighed" by the President."

    Nice, that made me laugh for some reason. :)

  2. Yes, he's a natural born citizen and all that... but Presidents are supposed to be old. It's just not right to have a President younger than I am.

  3. "Any law that Congress passes and is signed by the President is a law that you have to obey...period, end of discussion." There can be no more discussion in the dictatorship you imagine this country to be. Fortunately, we live in a constitutional republic where the discussion is not over. The president is the Commander-in-Chief of the military, not the people; you envision a citizenry that will blindly "obey" anything dictated by the administration and congress. It is the duty of the people to question and resist all unconstitutional legislation regardless of which president signed it:
