Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Disney buys Lucasfilm

You know folks, people are getting into a freaking tizzy over the fact that Disney bought Lucasfilm. While a lot of people have been in support of it (myself included) many more have been pissing, bitching and moaning about the fact that their childhood is ruined.  That the next Star Wars is going to be turned into some sort of princess-filled kid's story that's going to have all the soul sucked out of it.

First of all, our "childhood" was ruined when Lucas let the flannel shirts eat his brain and caused him to alter, re-alter, and re-re-alter his films whenever he got a hard-on for whomp-rats. Getting the franchise out of his grubby little dick-skinners is a good start right off the bat. Disney could hardly rape our childhoods any worse than Lucas has already done with his flannel-covered cock.

Greedo shooting first? What the fuck man?

Secondly we have to remember that this is not Disney's first purchase. First there was Pixar and now we have Lassiter making important decisions like the one to rehire the animation team and to release one traditionally hand-drawn animated film every other year. Granted the tech is improved from onion skin to the new wacom tablets...but it's still hand drawn and the magic is still there. Just look at "The Princess and the Frog" Like or loathe the movie, it was wonderful to see something that had the heart and soul of the animators and brings us back to the days of stunning hand-drawn visuals once again.

For the longest time if you wanted that you had to go to Japanese Anime and Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away, Nausica of the Valley of the Winds, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Ponyo, etc) to see.

And even looking at just the Pixar side of it, they're *still* making good stuff because Disney knows to let them do what they do best and they'll supply the money and rake in their share of the profits.

Henson Studios sold the Muppet Franchise to Disney because they knew that they would protect and promote them. They're keeping Kermit and Piggy and gang alive when no one else would have given a flying fuck about them.

And most recently in 2009, Disney bought Marvel. So to everyone who says that we're going to see a pussified and child-friendly Star Wars with no action, no adult-level plot...I say this.

Iron Man II
Captain America

And to really drive the point home...

The Avengers

This is what Disney is capable of. Sure they're built on the foundation of "The Mouse" but when it comes down to gritty, action-packed films...they can and have delivered. BECAUSE...they know how to get the right people for the job (Joss Whedon) and let them do what they need to do. Disney is in it for the money. They bloody well know that the best way to make a boodle of money is to deliver quality product.

And most will say that The Avengers is that.

And finally there is one more point. Back in the 80's I saw a documentary about Star Wars that talked about the fact that Lucas had 9 plotlines done. He had done A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. He had plans of doing the prequels and then the sequels. Then after he had finished "Attack of the Clones" he announced that he couldn't be arsed to do episodes 7, 8, and 9 and that he was done after "Revenge of the Sith". Now Disney is saying that they're going to release new films. Wow! Maybe the sequel plots are in the works. Maybe we can finally know what the hell happens next.

So I'm excited about this news. Disney has in the past given me enough proof of what they're capable of and more importantly what they're *willing* to do. This past performance is enough to let me sit back and say "Ok, I'll give you the chance. Show me what you got."

I'm betting on good things.

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