Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Don't dis da Warcraft.

Sunday, my wife wanders down to the nearby Subway to get us some dinner. She's lucky. She gets the kid working there that is very good at what he does. He's working his way through college and even though this is only a job to earn beer and gas money (his words) he gives it his full dedication and professionalism.

He also makes a damn yummy sandwich and makes it exactly the way we like them.

So she's in and hears the kid being asked by one of his coworkers if he's up for a raid in World of Warcraft. He says that he's up for it and my wife pipes up and asks "What server are you on?"

Well this turns out to be a recognition sign that one is a fellow player (which my wife and I are) and they get to chatting about Warcrack and the fact that we both play, for the duration of the time it takes to make two sandwiches.

Enter our third player. The obnoxious twat of a woman who makes a nice cat-butt face (you know, where they have their lips pursed to tightly that they look like a cat's butthole (*) ) and then makes the comment of how she cannot understand how any grown woman could play a child's game.

My wife didn't comment, she just paid the tab and left.

Hate to break it to you chicky, but WarCraft is played by a large number of people and a goodly number of them *are* grown adults.

Fast forward a few days and I am on my way into work. I stop off at the 7-11 for a Coke Slurpee and I see the clerk reading a hints guide for WoW and I ask (give the recognition sign of) "What server?" He tells me that he's on Madoran and I tell him that I've a Level 58 Night-Elf Hunter on Galakrond.

Enter the twat again. Although I didn't know that she was the twat from the previous encounter.

She makes the (*) again and says "You must be the husband of *that* woman from Subway that plays. How any grown people could waste their time on some silly children's game is beyond me."

Not being my wife and being rather disdainful of people like her I respond with "Funny. I can't understand how a grown woman could be such a douchewaffle and disparage something that someone else enjoys as a hobby."

She then gave me the golden chance I've been dreaming of for so long. She said "Well I never!" To which I pay my tab and reply "With your, "charming demeanor"? (please note the sneer quotes) I find that hard to believe."

I then left her looking for all the world like I broke her brain.

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